Source code for hera_stats.average

import numpy as np
from .utils import trim_empty_bls

[docs]def average_spectra_cumul(uvp, blps, spw, polpair, mode='time', min_samples=1, shuffle=False, time_avg=True, verbose=False): """ Cumulatively average a set of delay spectra as a function of time or blpair. The cumulative average can be performed sequentially, e.g. in time order, or in a random (shuffled) order. Parameters ---------- uvp : UVPSpec Set of power spectra to be cumulatively averaged. blps : list of ints or tuples List of blpair ints or tuples. Only one redundant set of blpairs should be passed at once. spw, polpair : int, str Spectral window ID (integer) and polarization-pair (integer or str) of the power spectra to average. mode : str, optional Whether to cumulatively average in time or blpair. The other dimension will be averaged over non-cumulatively. (See the 'time_avg' kwarg below for other behaviors.) Possible options are 'time' or 'blpair'. Default: 'time'. min_samples : int, optional Minimum number of samples to allow in the cumulative average. Default: 1. shuffle : bool, optional Whether to randomly shuffle the order of the cumulative averaging, or to keep it in order. Default: False. time_avg : bool, optional Whether to average over times. This option is only used if mode='blpair'; otherwise it will be ignored. Default: True. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print status messages as the cumulative averaging progresses. Default: False. Returns ------- ps : array_like Cumulative averages of delay spectra, in a 2D array of shape (Nsamp, Ndelay), where Nsamp = Ntimes or Nblpairs. dly : array_like Power spectrum delay modes (in s). n_samples : array_like Number of times or blpairs that went into each average in the ps array. """ # Check for valid mode if mode not in ['time', 'blpair']: raise ValueError("mode must be either 'time' or 'blpair'.") # Check for valid blpair format if not ( isinstance(blps[0], tuple) or isinstance(blps[0], (int, np.integer, raise TypeError("blps must be a list of baseline-pair tuples or " "integers only.") if mode == 'time': # Get unique times from UVPSpec object avail_times = np.unique(uvp.time_avg_array) if avail_times.size <= min_samples: raise ValueError("min_samples is larger than or equal to the number " "of available samples.") if verbose: print("Unique time samples:", avail_times.size) # Either shuffle or sort available times if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(avail_times) else: avail_times.sort() # Perform initial downselect of times and blpairs (and make copy) uvp_t =[:], blpairs=blps, inplace=False, spws=[spw,], polpairs=[polpair,]) # Loop over times (in reverse size order) avg_spectra = []; n_samples = [] for t in range(avail_times.size, min_samples, -1): if verbose: print(" Sample %d / %d" % (t, avail_times.size)) # Select subset of samples (good for performance)[:t], blpairs=blps) # Average over blpair and time (use time_avg_array as the time key, # as this is what uses) _avg = uvp_t.average_spectra([blps,], time_avg=True, inplace=False) n_samples.append( np.unique(uvp_t.time_avg_array).size ) # Unpack data into array (spw=0 since we only selected one spw) ps = _avg.get_data((0, _avg.blpair_array[0], polpair)).flatten() avg_spectra.append(ps) dly = _avg.get_dlys(0) else: # Perform initial downselect of blpairs (and make copy) uvp_b =, inplace=False, spws=[spw,], polpairs=[polpair,]) avail_blps = np.unique(uvp_b.blpair_array) # available blpairs if avail_blps.size <= min_samples: raise ValueError("min_samples is larger than or equal to the number " "of available samples.") if verbose: print("Unique blpairs:", avail_blps.size) # Either shuffle or sort available blpairs if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(avail_blps) else: avail_blps.sort() # Loop over times (in reverse size order) avg_spectra = []; n_samples = [] for b in range(avail_blps.size, min_samples, -1): if verbose and b % 10 == 0: print(" Sample %d / %d" % (b, avail_blps.size)) # Select subset of samples (good for performance)[:b]) # Average over blpair and time _avg = uvp_b.average_spectra([list(avail_blps[:b]),], time_avg=time_avg, inplace=False) n_samples.append( np.unique(uvp_b.blpair_array).size ) # Unpack data into array (spw=0 since we only selected one spw) ps = _avg.get_data((0, _avg.blpair_array[0], polpair)) if time_avg: ps = ps.flatten() # remove extra dim if time_avg=true avg_spectra.append(ps) dly = _avg.get_dlys(0) # Convert stored data into arrays and return avg_spectra = np.array(avg_spectra) n_samples = np.array(n_samples) return avg_spectra, dly, n_samples
[docs]def redundant_diff(uvd, bls, pol, return_mean=False): """ Calculate the difference between all baselines in a redundant group and the mean of the redundant group (as a fn. of frequency and time). Empty (fully flagged) baselines are excluded from the average. N.B. The averaging does not currently take into account data weights or number of samples. Parameters ---------- uvd : UVData UVData object containing the data that will be averaged and differenced. bls : list of tuple or int List of baseline tuples or integers to be treated as a group. The mean will be calculated over all pol : str Which polarization to extract from the UVData file. return_mean : bool, optional If True, return the mean over the redundant group too. Default: False Returns ------- bls : list of baseline tuple or int List of baselines that were kept in the average. diffs : list of array_like List of arrays of differences between each baseline and the group mean. mean : array_like, optional Mean over data from all non-flagged baselines, as a function of freq. and time. Only retuend if `return_mean` is True. """ # Check bls assert isinstance(bls, list), "bls must be a list of baseline ints/tuples" # Clean out empty baselines from list trimmed_bls = trim_empty_bls(uvd, bls)[0] # returns list of lists (unpack) # Calculate mean grp_mean = 0 for bl in trimmed_bls: if isinstance(bl, (int, bl = uvd.baseline_to_antnums(bl) grp_mean += uvd.get_data(bl, pol) grp_mean /= float(len(trimmed_bls)) # Calculate differences diffs = [] for bl in trimmed_bls: if isinstance(bl, (int, bl = uvd.baseline_to_antnums(bl) diff = uvd.get_data(bl, pol) - grp_mean diffs.append(diff) if return_mean: return bls, diffs, grp_mean return bls, diffs
[docs]def redundant_diff_summary(uvd, red_bls, pol, op_upper=np.max, op_lower=None, verbose=False): """ Calculate summary stats on the differences of baselines with the mean of their redundant group. Returns an antenna-antenna matrix where each element is the value of the summary statistic for a given antenna pair. See `hera_stats.plot.antenna_matrix` for an accompanying plotting function. Parameters ---------- uvd : UVData Visibility data object. red_bls : list of lists List of redundant baseline group lists. pol : str or int String or integer specifying the polarization to use. op_upper : func Function that operates on the difference waterfall (visibility for baseline minus the mean over its redundant group) to return a single number, to be used as the summary statistic for that baseline. Functions must have the following signature: scalar = func(d, grp_mean) where `d` is the difference data (a 2D complex array) and `grp_mean` is the mean over the redundant group (also a 2D complex array). The values of the summary statistic are placed on the upper triangle of the output matrix. op_lower : func, optional Same as `op_upper`, but places values on the lower triangle of the output matrix. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print progress messages. Default: False. Returns ------- unique_ants : array_like Ordered array of unique antennas that were found in the redundant groups. mat : array_like 2D array of summary statistic values for every pair of antennas. NB. np.nan values are returned for antenna pairs that were not present in the data/redundant baseline list. """ # Find unique antennas in redundant bl list unique_ants = [] for grp in red_bls: for bl in grp: for ant in bl: if ant not in unique_ants: unique_ants.append(ant) unique_ants.sort() unique_ants = np.array(unique_ants, # Construct (empty) matrix of antenna-antenna pairs mat = np.zeros((unique_ants.size, unique_ants.size)) mat += np.nan # set to NaN to show where there is no data # Loop over redundant groups and calculate diffs for i, grp in enumerate(red_bls): if i % 5 == 0 and verbose: print("Red. group %d" % i) kept_bls, diffs, grp_mean = redundant_diff(uvd, grp, pol=pol, return_mean=True) # Loop over baselines for bl, d in zip(kept_bls, diffs): # Calculate statistic for each bl in redundant group by calling # specified operator y_upper = op_upper(d, grp_mean) if op_lower is not None: y_lower = op_lower(d, grp_mean) # Store in matrix idx0 = np.where(unique_ants == bl[0]) idx1 = np.where(unique_ants == bl[1]) mat[idx0, idx1] = y_upper # upper triangle if op_lower is not None: mat[idx1, idx0] = y_lower # lower triangle return unique_ants, mat