Source code for hera_stats.noise

import numpy as np

[docs]def estimate_noise_rms(uvd, bls, fit_poly=True, order=2): """ Estimate noise RMS per frequency channel by taking a simple standard deviation of differences along the time axis. The real and imaginary parts are treated independently. A smooth polynomial model fit can be returned if desired. Parameters ---------- uvd : UVData UVData file containing data to fit. bls : list of int/tuple List of baselines/baseline keys to calculate the noise rms for. fit_poly : bool, optional Fit a polynomial to the standard deviations as a function of frequency. Default: True. order : int, optional If fit_poly is True, order of the polynomial to fit to the standard deviations. Default: 2. Returns ------- noise_rms : array_like, complex 1D array of noise RMS (in the same units as the input data) as a function of frequency. Shape is (Nbls, Nfreq). rms_model : array_like, complex, optional If poly_fit is True, return the smooth polynomial fit to the noise rms. Shape is (Nbls, Nfreq). """ # Loop over baseline keys noise_rms, rms_model = [], [] for bl in bls: # Get data data = uvd.get_data(bl) # Calculate sigma_rms as function of freq, for real and imag parts sigma_noise = 0. + 0.j; sigma_model = 0. + 0.j for fn, factor in ((np.real, 1.), (np.imag, 1.j)): # Difference along time ax then take std. dev. (also along time axis) sigma_rms = np.std(np.diff(fn(data), axis=0), axis=0) # Get indices of masked data idxs = np.where(sigma_rms != 0.) # flagged channels have diff = 0 sigma_rms[np.where(sigma_rms == 0.)] = np.nan # flagged chan rms = nan sigma_noise += factor * sigma_rms # Fit polynomial to sigma_rms if requested if fit_poly: chans = np.arange(sigma_rms.size) coeff_n = np.polyfit(chans[idxs], sigma_rms[idxs], deg=order) sigma_model += factor * np.poly1d(coeff_n)(chans) # Append results to list noise_rms.append(sigma_noise) if fit_poly: rms_model.append(sigma_model) # Convert to arrays and return if fit_poly: return np.array(noise_rms), np.array(rms_model) return np.array(sigma_rms)