Source code for hera_stats.plot

import numpy as np
from . import stats, utils
from pyuvdata import UVData
import hera_pspec as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib import gridspec

[docs]def long_waterfall(uvd_list, bl, pol, title=None, cmap='gray', starting_lst=[], mode='nsamples', operator='abs', file_type='uvh5', figsize=(20, 80)): """ Generates a waterfall plot of flags or nsamples with axis sums from an input array. Parameters ---------- uvd_list : list of UVData objects or list of str List of UVData objects to be stacked and displayed. If a list of strings is specified, each UVData object will be loaded one at a time (reduces peak memory consumption). bl : int or tuple Baseline integer or antenna pair tuple of the baseline to plot. pol : str or int Polarization string or integer. title : str, optional Title of the plot. Default: none. cmap : str, optional Colormap parameter for the waterfall plot. Default: 'gray'. starting_lst : list, optional list of starting lst to display in the plot mode : str, optional Which array to plot from the UVData objects. Options: 'data', 'flags', 'nsamples'. Default: 'nsamples'. operator : str, optional If mode='data', the operator to apply when plotting the data. Can be 'real', 'imag', 'abs', 'phase'. Default: 'abs'. file_type : str, optional If `uvd_list` is passed as a list of strings, specifies the file type of the data files to assume when loading them. Default: 'uvh5'. figsize : tuple, optional The size of the figure, in inches. Default: (20, 80). Returns ------- main_waterfall : matplotlib.axes Matplotlib Axes instance of the main plot freq_histogram : matplotlib.axes Matplotlib Axes instance of the sum across times time_histogram : matplotlib.axes Matplotlib Axes instance of the sum across freqs data : numpy.ndarray A copy of the stacked_array output that is being displayed """ # Check data operator is valid (if specified) if mode == 'data': if operator == 'abs': op = np.abs elif operator == 'real': op = np.real elif operator == 'imag': op = np.imag elif operator == 'phase': op = np.angle else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid value for the operator kwarg. " "Valid options: ['real', 'imag', 'abs', 'phase']" \ % operator) arr_list = [] for _uvd in uvd_list: # Try to load UVData from file if isinstance(_uvd, str): try: uvd = UVData() if file_type == "uvh5": # Do partial load if isinstance(bl, (int, raise TypeError("Baseline 'bl' must be specified as an " "antenna pair to use the partial load " "feature.") uvd.read_uvh5(_uvd, bls=[bl,], polarizations=[pol,]) else: # Load the whole file, file_type=file_type) except OSError: # Common issue is that wrong file_type is being used import sys print("long_waterfall: file_type = '%s'" % file_type, file=sys.stderr) raise elif isinstance(_uvd, UVData): # Already loaded into UVData object uvd = _uvd else: raise TypeError("uvd_list must contain either filename strings or " "UVData objects") # Construct key to access data if isinstance(bl, (int, bl = uvd.baseline_to_antnums(bl) key = (bl[0], bl[1], pol) # Get requested data if mode == 'data': arr_list.append(op(uvd.get_data(key))) elif mode == 'flags': arr_list.append(uvd.get_flags(key)) elif mode == 'nsamples': arr_list.append(uvd.get_nsamples(key)) else: raise ValueError("mode '%s' not recognized." % mode) # Stack arrays into one big array data = utils.stacked_array(arr_list) # Set up the figure and grid fig = plt.figure() grid = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=10, nrows=32) # Create main components of figure main_waterfall = fig.add_subplot(grid[1:30, 1:8]) freq_histogram = fig.add_subplot(grid[30:32, 1:8], sharex=main_waterfall) time_histogram = fig.add_subplot(grid[1:30, 8:10], sharey=main_waterfall) # Set sizes fig.set_size_inches(figsize) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=30, y=0.984) #, horizontalalignment='center') grid.tight_layout(fig) counter = data.shape[0] // 60 # Waterfall plot main_waterfall.imshow(data, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, interpolation='none') main_waterfall.set_ylabel('Integration Number') main_waterfall.set_yticks(np.arange(0, counter*60 + 1, 30)) main_waterfall.set_ylim(60*(counter+1), 0) # Red lines separating files for i in range(counter+1): main_waterfall.plot(np.arange(data.shape[1]), 60*i*np.ones(data.shape[1]), '-r') for i in range(len(starting_lst)): if not isinstance(starting_lst[i], str): raise TypeError("starting_lst must be a list of strings") # Add text of filenames if len(starting_lst) > 0: for i in range(counter): short_name = 'first\nintegration LST:\n'+starting_lst[i] plt.text(-20, 26 + i*60, short_name, rotation=-90, size='small', horizontalalignment='center') main_waterfall.set_xlim(0, data.shape[1]) # Frequency sum plot counts_freq = np.sum(data, axis=0) max_counts_freq = max(np.amax(counts_freq), data.shape[0]) normalized_freq = 100 * counts_freq/max_counts_freq freq_histogram.set_xticks(np.arange(0, data.shape[1], 50)) freq_histogram.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 101, 5)) freq_histogram.set_xlabel('Channel Number (Frequency)') freq_histogram.set_ylabel('Occupancy %') freq_histogram.grid() freq_histogram.plot(np.arange(0, data.shape[1]), normalized_freq, 'r-') # Time sum plot counts_times = np.sum(data, axis=1) max_counts_times = max(np.amax(counts_times), data.shape[1]) normalized_times = 100 * counts_times/max_counts_times time_histogram.plot(normalized_times, np.arange(data.shape[0]), 'k-', label='all channels') time_histogram.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 101, 10)) time_histogram.set_xlabel('Flag %') time_histogram.autoscale(False) time_histogram.grid() # Returning the axes return main_waterfall, freq_histogram, time_histogram, data
[docs]def scatter_bandpowers(uvp, x_dly, y_dly, keys, operator='abs', label=None, ax=None): """ Scatter plot of delay spectrum bandpowers from two different delay bins. The bandpowers can be taken from multiple spws / blpairs / polpairs at the same time (see the `keys` argument). Example of `keys` argument: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python red_grps, red_lens, red_angs = uvp.get_red_blpairs() keys = { 'spws': 0, 'blpairs': red_grps[0], 'polpairs': uvp.get_polpairs(), } Parameters ---------- uvp : UVPSpec Input delay spectrum object. x_dly, y_dly : int Index of delay bins to use as the x and y values respectively. keys : dict Dictionary with keys 'spws', 'blpairs', 'polpairs', which can be lists or single values. This allows bandpowers from multiple spws / blpairs / polpairs to be plotted simultaneously. operator : str, optional If mode='data', the operator to apply when plotting the data. Can be 'real', 'imag', 'abs', 'phase'. Default: 'abs'. Default: 'abs'. label : str, optional Label to use for this set of data in the plot legend. Default: None. ax : matplotlib.axes, optional Default: None. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes Matplotlib Axes instance. """ if 'spws' not in keys: raise KeyError("keys dict has missing 'spws' key") if 'blpairs' not in keys: raise KeyError("keys dict has missing 'blpairs' key") if 'polpairs' not in keys: raise KeyError("keys dict has missing 'polpairs' key") # Check that dict items are all lists for key in ['spws', 'blpairs', 'polpairs']: if not isinstance(keys[key], (list, np.ndarray)): keys[key] = [keys[key],] # Loop over all dims and fetch bandpowers for requested delay indices x = []; y = [] for spw in keys['spws']: for polpair in keys['polpairs']: for blp in keys['blpairs']: ps = uvp.get_data((spw, blp, polpair)) x = np.concatenate( (x, ps[:,x_dly].flatten()) ) y = np.concatenate( (y, ps[:,y_dly].flatten()) ) # Apply transform corresponding to chosen mode ops = {'abs': np.abs, 'phase': np.angle, 'real': np.real, 'imag': np.imag} if operator not in ops.keys(): raise KeyError("Operator '%s' not recognized; must be one of %s" \ % (operator, list(ops.keys())) ) x = ops[operator](x) y = ops[operator](y) # Create plot if needed if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) # Plot points ax.plot(x, y, marker='.', ls='none', label=label) ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def redgrp_corrmat(corr, red_grp, cmap='RdBu', figsize=(30.,20.), line_alpha=0.2): """ Plot the correlation matrix for a set of delay spectra in a redundant group. See `hera_stats.stats.redgrp_pspec_covariance()` for a function to calculate the correlation matrix. The elements of the correlation matrix are assumed to be in the same order as the `red_grp` list. Furthermore, the `red_grp` list is assumed to be ordered by blpair integer. Blocks of elements that have the same first bl in common are marked in the matrix. Parameters ---------- corr : ndarray Covariance or correlation matrix. red_grp : list List of baseline-pairs in the redundant group (one for each row/column of the `corr` matrix). cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap to use for the correlation matrix plot. Default: 'RdBu'. vmin, vmax : float, optional Minimum and maximum values of the figsize : tuple, optional Size of the figure, in inches. Default: (30, 20). line_alpha : float, optional Alpha value of the lines used to draw blocks in the correlation matrix. Default: 0.2. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.Figure Figure containing the correlation matrix. """ # Plot matrix fig = plt.figure() mat = plt.matshow(corr, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1., vmax=1.) plt.colorbar() ax = plt.gca() # Add label for each block of baseline-pairs # (items in each block have the same first bl in blpair) blps = [hp.uvpspec_utils._blpair_to_bls(_blp) for _blp in red_grp] bl1, bl2 = zip(*blps) unique_bls = np.unique(bl1) block_start_idx = [np.argmax(bl1 == _uniq) for _uniq in unique_bls] # Add ticks for each block ticks = ax.set_xticks(block_start_idx) ticks = ax.set_yticks(block_start_idx) ticklbls = ax.set_xticklabels(["%d" % _bl for _bl in unique_bls], rotation='vertical') ticklbls = ax.set_yticklabels(["%d" % _bl for _bl in unique_bls]) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(figsize) # Draw block dividers for idx in block_start_idx: plt.axhline(idx, color='k', alpha=line_alpha) plt.axvline(idx, color='k', alpha=line_alpha) return fig
[docs]def antenna_matrix(mat, ants, label=None, cmap='viridis'): """ Plot 2D square array, intended to be a matrix of antenna vs antenna values of some quantity. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D square array containing matrix values to be plotted. ants : array_like 1D array of unique antennas represented in the matrix, in the same ordering as the input matrix. label : str, optional Label for the plot (displayed as the colorbar label). Default: None. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name. Default: 'viridis'. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.Figure Matplotlib figure containing matshow. """ # Plot matrix as matshow fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.matshow(mat, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, fraction=0.045, pad=0.04) # reduce cbar height cbar.set_label(label, fontsize=16) # Add grid for j in np.arange(0, ants.size, 10): plt.axvline(j, color='k', alpha=0.2, ls='dashed') plt.axhline(j, color='k', alpha=0.2, ls='dashed') # Add tick labels for each antenna ant_lbls = ["%d" % ant for ant in ants] ax.set_xticklabels([''] + ant_lbls, rotation=90.) ax.set_yticklabels([''] + ant_lbls) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) # Set sizes plt.gcf().set_size_inches((12., 12.)) return fig